The Senate just moved to force a vote on net neutrality
TLDR: The Senate just moved to force a vote on net neutrality. Click here to contact your lawmakers and tell them to vote for the CRA right now!
This is a huge deal and means that the floor vote could come as early as next week. The Internet is lighting up in protest as more and more small and large websites and apps go on “red alert” to help sound the alarm.
Senators are deciding how they are going to vote right now. The outcome of this will impact the future of the Internet for decades to come.
Time is running out. Tell your lawmakers to vote for net neutrality!
AFTER you contact your legislators, here are some other ways to get involved in the Red Alert for Net Neutrality, which will run until the Senate vote next week:
- Change your social media avatars and profile pics to help sound the alarm, there’s bunch of graphics here.
- If you run a website or blog, use our RED ALERT widget code, available here. It lets visitors take action without ever leaving your site, and you can try it out ahead of time.
- If you run a subreddit, change your theme and post our sticky post urging your subscribers to join in on the protest. Instructions here.
- Here’s a giant doc of social media content, suggested tweets, blog text, and more. Use it to get the word out anywhere and everywhere that you can.
- If you make videos, consider making a video about the Red Alert for Net Neutrality, or use our simple video bumper to help spread the word.
- Link back to where people can easily contact their lawmakers.
Please forward this email to everyone you know and help sound the alarm!
And don’t forget to contact your lawmakers NOW!
Check out these screenshots to see how websites and apps across the Internet are participating in the Red Alert protests leading up to the vote!