The fate of net neutrality could be decided in California TODAY
URGENT UPDATE: SB 822 has made it out of appropriations without getting watered down! This is good! The bill is now headed to a full Senate floor vote TODAY. Call 916–823–9612 right now and we’ll connect you to your California State Senators. Tell them to support SB 822 to save net neutrality!
State legislators in California have introduced the best, most comprehensive, net neutrality bill in the country. But powerful telecom giants like AT&T are pulling out all the stops to kill it, and the word on the street is they’ve hired up basically every contract lobbyist in Sacramento.
The California net neutrality fight has implications for the whole country. If this bill passes it will set a strong precedent for other states, and build momentum for Congress to restore protections at the federal level. California is so big that strong protections there will be a major deterrent preventing ISP abuses. If it fails, it will be a blow to the net neutrality movement as a whole, and hurt us at a pivotal moment in the fight.
The bill has cleared several major hurdles and each step of the way ISP lobbyists did everything in their power to water it down with amendments or remove key provisions to create loopholes. But they failed. The bill is INTACT and headed for a final Senate floor vote TODAY, Tuesday, May 29th.
Tell EVERYONE in California that you know to CALL THEIR STATE SENATORS at (916) 823–9612 (it will give you a short script). Spread the word!